Code No. 701.01
Depository of Funds
Each year at its annualmeeting, the board will designate by resolution the name and location of the Iowa located financial depository institution or institutions to serve as the official school depository or depositories. The board will also designate the maximum amount which may be kept on deposit in each bank. This amount will be designated the first time a new depository is identified, and will be reviewed st least once every year or when an increase or additional depository is needed. The amount in the resolution must be for all depositories and include all of the school district's funds.
It is the responsibility of the board secretary to include the resolution in the minutes of the meeting.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code § 12C2;279.33
Approved 9-13-93 Reviewed 1-15.24 Revised 3-18-24
Code No. 701.02
Transfer of Funds
When the necessity for a fund has ceased to exist, the balance may be transferred to another fund or account by board resolution. School district monies received without a designated purpose may be transferred in this manner. School district monies received for a specific purpose or upon vote of the people may only be transferred, by board resolution when the purpose for which the monies were received has been completed. Voter approval is required to transfer monies to the general fund from the capital projects fund and debt service fund.
If all requirements for district use of funds under the Preschool Foundation Aid, Professional Development Supplement, Home School Assistance Program, Teacher Leadership Supplement or any discontinued fund teacher have been met and funds remain unexpended and unobligated at the end of the fiscal year, the district may transfer all or a portion of remaining funds by passage of a board resolution into the district's flexibility account in accordance with law. Before the expenditure of amount in the flexibility account, the district shall publish notice of the time, date, and place of a public hearing on the proposed resolution approving said expenditures. The board must find and certify that the statutory requirements of each original source of funds have been met before adopting the resolution approving the expenditures. The district will present a copy of the signed board resolution to the Department of Education.
The District may transfer by board resolution from the general fund to the student activity fund an amount needed to purchase or refurbish protective and safety equipment required for any extracurricular interschool athletic contest or competition sponsored or administered by the Iowa High School Athletic Association or Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union.
If the before and after school program exceeds the amount necessarty to operate the program, the excess amount may, following a public hearing, be transfered by resolution of the board of directors of the school corporation for deposit in the general fund of the school corporation to be used for school district general fund purposes. The district will present a copy of the signed board resolution to the Board of Education.
Beginning in FY 2024, unexpended and unobligated dollars that remain at the end of the fiscal year in addition to ongoing revenues may be transfered to the Teacher Salary Supplement (TSS) program from Professional Development Supplement (PDS), Talented and Gifted (TAG), and Teacher Leadership Supplement (TLS) without board action.
The district may choose to request approval from the School Budget Review Committee to transfer funds to make a program whole, prior to its elimination.
Temporary transfers (loans) of funds are permitted between funds but must be repaid to the originating fund, with interest, by October 1 following the end of the fiscal year.
It is the responsibility of the board treasurer to make recommendations to the board regarding transfers and to provide the documentation justifying the transfer.
Iowa Code §§ 24.21-22; 257.10, 279.8; 279.42; 298A
Approved 9-13-93 Reviewed 1-15-24 Revised 3-18-24
Code No. 701.03
Financial records of the school district are maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as required or modified by law. School district monies are received and expended from the appropriate fund and/or account. The funds and accounts of the school district will include, but not be limited to:
Governmental fund type:
Capital Projects Fund - These funds are used to account for financial resources to acquire or construct major capital facilities or other capital assets (other than those of proprietary funds and trust funds) and to account for revenues from SAVE.
Physical Plant and Equipment Levy fund (PPEL)
Secure and Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE)
Proprietary fund type: This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest.
Enterprise fund
Fiduciary funds: These funds are used to account for monies or assets held by the school district on behalf of, or in trust for, another entity.
Account groups:
The board may establish other funds in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and may certify other taxes to be levied for the funds as provided by state law. The status of each fund must be included in the annual report.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent in conjunction with the school business official to implement this policy and bring necessary changes in the maintenance of the school district's financial records to the attention of the board.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§291; 298; 298A,
281 I.A.C. 98
Approved 9-13-93 Reviewed 1-15-24 Revised 3-18-24
Code No. 701.04
Governmental Accounting Practices & Regulations
School district accounting practices will follow state and federal laws and regulations, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the uniform financial accounting system provided by the Iowa Department of Education. As advised by the school district’s auditor, determination of liabilities and assets, prioritization of expenditures of governmental funds and provisions for accounting disclosures shall be made in accordance with governmental accounting standards.
In Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, the board identifies the order of spending unrestricted resources applying the highest level of classification of fund balance - restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned - while honoring constraints on the specific purposes for which amounts in those fund balances can be spent. A formal board action is required to establish, modify and or rescind a committed fund balance. The resolution will state the exact dollar amount. In the event, the board chooses to make changes or rescind the committed fund balance, formal board action is required.
The Board authorizes the Superintendent to assign amounts to a specific purpose in compliance with GASB 54. An ‘assigned fund balance’ should also be reported in the order of spending unrestricted resources, but is not restricted or committed.
Fund Balance Reporting
Financial reporting for the balances in the District's governmental funds is based on Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Types Definitions. Fund balance referes to the difference between assets and liabilities in the governmental funds balance sheets. GASB 54 established a hierarchy that is based on "the extent to which the government is bound to honor constraints on the specific purpose for which the amounts in those funds can be spent."
The governmental funds can have up to five fund balance classifications. The classifications are defined below from most to least restrictive.
Nonspendable Fund Balance includes amounts that cannot be spent because they are either not in spendable form, or legally or contractually required to ne maintained intact. This includes items not expected to be converted to cash, including inventories and prepaid expenses. It may also include other property aquired for resale and the principal of a permanent fund.
Restricted Fund Balance should be reported when constraints placed on the use of resources are either externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or law or regulations of other governments; or imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. This includes "categorical balances."
Committed Fund Balance reflects specific purposes pursuant to constraints imposed by formal action of the board. Such constraints can only be removed or changed by board action.
Assigned Fund Balance reflects amounts that are constrained by the government's intent to be used for specific purposes but meet neither the restricted nor committed forms of constraint. Unless the amount is negative, the assigned fund balance is the residual classification for the governmental funds other than the general fund. If the amount is negative, then the residual amount is shown unassigned.
Unassigned Fund Balance is the residual classification for the general fund only. As noted above, if a negative residual amount exists in other governmental funds then the amount is reportes as unassigned.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations implementing this policy. It is also the responsibility of the superintendent to make recommendations to the board regarding fund balance designations.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 257.31(4); 279.8; 297.22-.25; 298A.
Approved 9-13-93 Reviewed 2-19-24 Revised 3-18-24
Code No.701.5
School district accounting practices will follow state and federal laws and regulations, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the uniform financial accounting system provided by the Iowa Department of Education. As advised by the school district’s auditor, determination of liabilities and assets, prioritization of expenditures of governmental funds and provisions for accounting disclosures shall be made in accordance with governmental accounting standards.
In Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, the board identifies the order of spending unrestricted resources applying the highest level of classification of fund balance - restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned - while honoring constraints on the specific purposes for which amounts in those fund balances can be spent. A formal board action is required to establish, modify and or rescind a committed fund balance. The resolution will state the exact dollar amount. In the event, the board chooses to make changes or rescind the committed fund balance, formal board action is required.
The Board authorizes the Superintedent to assign amounts to a specific purpose in compliance with GASB 54. An ‘assigned fund balance’ should also be reported in the order of spending unrestricted resources, but is not restricted or committed.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations implementing this policy. It is also the responsibility of the superintendent to make recommendations to the board regarding fund balance designations.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 257.31(4); 279.8; 297.22-.25; 298A.
Approved 5-6-13 Reviewed ____________ Revised 11-16-2020
The following relevant PK-12 public sector indicators will be provided to the Board annually to better understand the financial trends of the district. These indicators will be an accurate depiction as of June 30th of the preceding fiscal year and will depict at a minimum of 5 years of data.
Financial Projections
Five-year financial projections of the general fund will be prepared and updated annually. The general fund is the operating fund of the district where the majority of salaries and benefits are funded. Projections will help the board determine sustainability of the annual operating budget and help make future budgetary decisions.
The District is committed to utilizing the following financial metrics in determining district financial goals:
I.C. Iowa Code References Description Iowa Code § 257.31 Finance Program - Committee - Iowa Code § 279.8 Directors - General Rules - Bonds of Employees - Iowa Code § 257.7 Authorized Expenditures -
Code No. 701.6
The Board recognizes its fiduciary responsibility to oversee the management of school district funds in keeping with the school district vision, mission and goals. To achieve this purpose, the board may engage in learning about the financial needs, operations and requirements of the district as appropriate for the board’s understanding of the district’s financial position. The Board also commits to engaging in annual financial goal setting for the district based upon measurable data and projections for the district.
After the fiscal year has closed, the Superintendent or their designee will provide to the Board concise, timely, well organized financial data. The Board will exercise its oversight responsibilities by reviewing relevant PK-12 public education sector indicators to understand the financial trends of the district.
The board will establish and review financial goals annually. The District will measure whether these goals were obtained as of June 30, but only after completion of the Certified Annual Report due September 15th each year.
Providing the best possible educational experience for all students and meeting federal, state, and local academic goals for each student requires maximizing General Fund resources for use in the instructional program. The board may request from the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) additional modified spending authority (MSA) where it may be available for items such as:
Any award of modified supplement amount will be levied as a cash reserve based on the recommendation of the superintendent/designee and approved by the Board of Education in keeping with the fiscal management performance measures provided for in district policy.
Legal references:
Iowa Code 257.31
Iowa Code 279.8
Iowa Code 257.7
Approved 2-20-2023 Reviewed Revised
Code No. 701.6R1
The following relevant PK-12 public sector indicators will be provided to the Board annually to better understand the financial trends of the district. These indicators will be an accurate depiction as of June 30th of the preceding fiscal year and will depict at a minimum of five years of data.
Financial Projections
The general fund is the operating fund of the district where the majority of salaries and benefits are funded. Projections will help the board determine sustainability of the annual operating budget and help make future budgetary decisions.
The District is committed to utilizing the following financial metrics in determining district financial goals: