303.5R Evaluation Process

Code No. 303.5R


The Board of Education shall evaluate the Superintendent's performance utilizing an approach that emphasizes multiple lines of evidence.

This evaluation process will also include the following:

A.  The annual review of the Superintendent's job description to ensure that it accurately reflects both the Board and Superintendent's expectations for the position.

B.  The annual review of the Superintendent Evaluation Process is to ensure that the process accurately reflects both the Board and Superintendent's latest thinking on the process.

C.  The Board and Superintendent shall meet two times during the evaluation cycle.

D.  A suggested timeline is:

  • July: set performance goals for coming evaluation cycle.
  • November: Board review job description, evaluation process, and performance goals.
  • January: First performance review
  • Review of Feedback Form completed by Board members Progress report by superintendent on performance goals
  • April: Set superintendent's salary for coming year.
  • June: Final performance review
  • Review of superintendent's self-assessment of areas of strength and areas for attention as related to job description (End of Year Form)
  • Review of Board's assessment of areas of strength and areas for attention as related to job description. (End of Year Report)
  • Select performance goals for coming evaluation cycle.

Reviewed 10-17-2023