Code No. 401.17
Employees discontinuing employment with the school district shall be provided the opportunity for an exit interview.
Approved 12-19-95 Reviewed 2-20-2023 Revised 5-20-2019
Code No. 401.17E1
Consent Form for Confidential Exit Interview
The school district encourages employees who leave employment with the district to participate in an Exit Interview.
The purpose of the Exit Interview is to provide the district the opportunity to benefit from the employee's observations on conditions of employment while with the district. The administration and the Board of Education will consider this information in its efforts to improve the district. The employee who agrees to an Exit Interview will be asked to answer questions listed on the attached Exit Interview Form. The interview will be conducted by the superintendent unless the employee designates another member(s) of the administrative team or member(s) of the Board of Education.
By signing this form the employee authorizes any information provided to be used in total or summary by the district. The employee may request that her/his name and/or position be deleted from the information as it is used by the district to evaluate employment conditions. The employee should designate the persons who will receive copies of this Exit Interview and if she/he wishes to have a copy placed in his/her personnel file.
The employee may selectively choose not to comment on questions within the Exit Interview.
1. I agree to have ___________________________ conduct the Exit Interview.
2. I (do) (do not) wish to have a member of the Board of Education present at the Exit Interview.
3. I agree to have copies of my Exit Interview given to ________________________________________________
4. I (do) (do not) wish to have a copy of my Exit Interview placed in my personnel file.
5. I (do) (do not) wish to have my name or position noted on my Exit Interview form.
6. I (do) (do not) wish to have a copy of my Exit Interview Form.
7. I (do) (do not) wish to have a follow-up letter from the Exit Interview.
Exiting Employee's Signature ________________________________________
Date ________________________________
Approved 5-20-2019 Reviewed 2-20-2023
Code No. 401.17E2
Confidential Exit Interview Form
1. What was your opinion of: (circle one for each area)
Your pay: excellent good fair poor
Your hours: excellent good fair poor
Assigned duties & work load: excellent good fair poor
Supervision: excellent good fair poor
Working condition: excellent good fair poor
Co-workers: excellent good fair poor
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________
2. Did you get adequate in-service training? Yes no
3. Have you obtained another position? Yes no
Does it have?
Better Pay: yes no
Shorter hours: yes no
Better opportunity: yes no
Better working environment: yes no
4. What changes about the working conditions could be made that might change your mind about leaving?
Comments : _________________________________________________________________
5. Will you be doing:
Same kind of work?
Different kind of work?
If different work, what type of work? ________________________________
6. What specific changes would you make to your job descriptions and functions?
7. What changes would you make in functions of staff who affected your assignment?
8. Do you have abilities and skills that you feel were not used?_____________
9. What changes would you suggest to improve the services of the district? _
10. Do you feel you have been treated fairly during the duration of your employment with the district? __________________________________________________________________
11. After you leave, what image of this district will you discuss with other people?
12. Any comments or questions you would like to add? _______________________
Exiting Employee _______________________________ Date ________________
Authorized Interviewer ___________________________ Date _______________
Approved 5-20-2019 Reviewed 2-20-2023