401.17E2 Confidential Exit Interview Form

Code No. 401.17E2

Confidential Exit Interview Form

1. What was your opinion of: (circle one for each area)

Your pay:    excellent   good    fair   poor

Your hours:       excellent   good   fair   poor

Assigned duties & work load:         excellent   good   fair   poor

Supervision:       excellent   good   fair   poor

Working condition:      excellent   good   fair   poor

Co-workers:       excellent   good   fair   poor

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________




2. Did you get adequate in-service training?    Yes   no

3. Have you obtained another position?    Yes   no

Does it have?

Better Pay:  yes   no

Shorter hours:     yes   no

Better opportunity:      yes   no

Better working environment:    yes   no

4. What changes about the working conditions could be made that might change your mind about leaving?

Comments :  _________________________________________________________________




5. Will you be doing:

Same kind of work?

Different kind of work? 

If different work, what type of work? ________________________________

6. What specific changes would you make to your job descriptions and functions?    




7. What changes would you make in functions of staff who affected your assignment?



8. Do you have abilities and skills that you feel were not used?_____________




9. What changes would you suggest to improve the services of the district?  _




10. Do you feel you have been treated fairly during the duration of your employment with the district?  __________________________________________________________________




11. After you leave, what image of this district will you discuss with other people?     




12. Any comments or questions you would like to add?  _______________________






Exiting Employee _______________________________  Date  ________________

Authorized Interviewer ___________________________  Date _______________

Approved   5-20-2019     Reviewed 2-20-2023