Code No. 504.6
Students may raise funds for school-sponsored events with the permission of the school board. The school board delegates to the superintendent and his/her designee the authority to approve routine fundraining as deemed approriate.. Collection boxes for school and nonschool-sponsored organizations, however, must have prior approval from the school board or its designee before being placed on school property.
All funds generated from district-sponsored student fundraising will be placed in the district's student activtiy fund.
It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal Reference:
Senior Class of Pekin High School v. Tharp. 154 N.W.2d 874 (Iowa 1967).
Iowa Code § 279.8
Approved 9-13-93 Reviewed 5-2-12 Revised 7-25-2022
Code No. 504.6 E1
Student Group/Grade Level/Teacher:
Supervisor/Sponsor/Staff Member:
Date of Sales (MM/DD/YY - MM/DD/DD):
Purpose of Fundraiser:
Items to be sold/requested:
Price of items:
Selling to Whom:
Estimate Revenue/Goal/Price:
___ By selecting this box, I acknowledge that the Supervisor/Sponsor/Staff Member supports and approves this fundraiser or request.
Date of Request (MM/DD/YY):
___I acknowledge that with the submission of this form, it will be sent to the building principal for their approval. The fundraiser or requested item described above will not be posted or begin until it has been approved.
Code3 No. 504.6 R1
Student fundraising can enhance a student’s educational experience but it must not be at the expense of the safety and education of the district’s students. The following are additional regulations to assist the administration in developing procedures necessary for successful fundraising efforts.
Fiscal Responsibility:
This procedure contains District Fundraising Guidelines, Use of an Fundraising Approval Form, and the District Fundraising Calendar of all approved fundraisers across the Riverside Community School District. If you have any questions, please contact the superintendent
Fundraising Guidelines
The Board of Education appreciates contributions and encourages the interest and participation of parents and community members in supporting the District and student activities. While the Board of Education prefers to financially support District-sponsored student programs and activities, they recognize fundraising activities are essential for their existence.
In an effort to provide clarity to our parents and community, the District has set forth the following guidelines in an effort to reduce duplications, overlap, and to provide a central bank of fundraising information including dates and a calendar.
Fundraising Approval Form
Please complete the online form and submit to your building administrator. This form can be found on the district website Click on Explore -- Click on Forms
Fundraising Calendar
Staff members have View rights and Building Principal have Edit rights to add approved fundraising events. Only those events noted on the calendar are approved and are supported by the District.
Check List:
District Trademarks Usage
Fundraising groups desiring to use trademarks of Riverside Community School District, including both District and high school logos, must get approval from the superintendent to do so.
Revised 7-25-2022