505.3 Student Promotion - Retention - Acceleration

Code No. 505.3


Students will be promoted to the next grade level at the end of each school year based on the student's achievement, age, maturity, emotional stability, and social adjustment.

The district shall adhere to the following:

  • Retention/Promotion in kindergarten – eighth grade: The retention of a student will be determined based upon the judgment of the district’s professional staff. When it becomes evident a student in grades kindergarten through eight may be retained in a grade level for an additional year, the parents will be informed prior to making the retention decision.  It is within the sole discretion of the district to retain students in their current grade level and to deny promotion to a student.
  • Retention/Promotion in ninth – twelfth grade: Students in grades nine through twelve will be informed of the required course work necessary to be promoted each year. When it becomes evident a student in these grades will be unable to meet the minimum credit requirements for the year, the student and parents will be informed. It is within the sole discretion of the district to retain students in their current grade level and to deny promotion to a student.
  • Acceleration in kindergarten – twelfth grade: Students in grades kindergarten through twelve with exceptional talents may, with the permission of the principal and parents, take classes beyond their current grade level. Enrichment opportunities outside the school district may be allowed when they do not conflict with the school district's graduation requirements.
  • Retention or Acceleration in kindergarten – twelfth grade may also occur in additional instances as provided by law.

Any student or parent who is not satisfied with the decision of the district’s professional staff my seek recourse through the dostrcot complaint policy.

Legal Reference:         

Iowa Code §§ 256.11, 279.8.

281 I.A.C. 12.5(16)

Approved 9-13-93 Reviewed    5-2-12      Revised 5-21-2018