Code 712.12
School Buses are the safest form of transportation for students and the use of lap/shoulder seat belts supports that level of safety. The district shall utilize lap/shoulder seat belts on district school buses, that are equipped with lap/shoulder seat belts, as required by state law. All lap/shoulder belts available on district buses will be used by passengers when the vehicle is in any non-stationary gear. The Bus driver will be charged with applying and enforcing this requirement. Non-compliant students can be subject to disciplinary action.
All students will receive instruction on proper use of lap/shoulder seat belts on school busses at least two (2) times each year. The Bus driver will be charged with providing this training.
Bus drivers are responsible for instructing students to put on belts at three time periods:
Bus drivers are not responsible or liable for student wearing lap/shoulder seat belts while riding. Bus drivers are responsible for instructing students to put on lap/shoulder seat belts on during the above three scenarios.
Legal Reference: 281 I.A.C. 43.10(6)
Approved 1/18/2020 Reviewed Revised