712.11R1 Transportation in Inclement Weather

Code No. 712.11R1

Transportation in Inclement Weather

With the arrival of winter weather season it is time to remind everyone about the procedures and guidelines regarding snow/weather closures or delays.  Riverside Community School District will remain open, if at all possible, on all scheduled school days, even when weather conditions may be extreme in the belief that it is in the best interest of the students.  The District is concerned about the safety of all students, staff and patrons. We encourage everyone to use caution traveling safely to and from our schools and buildings.  Please know that parents can keep children home when weather is extreme. Schools understand and respect this decision and will work with families.  Remember, no announcement means normal school operation. School closure or delayed start information will always be posted no later than 6:00 a.m. on the Riverside Community Schools website at riversideschools.org, through social media and local news outlets.

On occasion, weather may be so extreme the District will close schools or implement a late start or early dismissal. The following information outlines the communication procedures that will be followed if such school closures or delays become necess

Media Announcements
Parents and employees should listen to these designated radio or television stations for school closure information between the hours of 5:30-8:00 AM (If schools dismiss early, the media will air the announcement as soon as possible.)

  1. Radio Stations
    1. KCSI --- 95.3 FM
    2. KJAN --- 1220 AM & 101.1 FM
    3. KMA --- 960 AM & 99.1 FM
    4. KNOD --- 105.3 FM
    5. KSOM --- 96.5 FM
  2. TV Stations
    1. KETV — Channel 7
    2. WOWT — Channel 6

Listen for One of These Messages

“Schools Will Be Closed” (day and date)

“Schools Will Start Late” (day and date)

“Schools Will Dismiss Early” (day and date)

One of the following messages will be aired by the media:

Keep Phones Accessible

Phones will be used for emergencies; therefore, parents are asked not to call the schools or the District.

Closures Posted on the Web and Social Media

School closure information will be posted by 6 a.m. on Riverside Community School District website at riversideschools.org, District Facebook Page, District Twitter account, Superintendent Facebook Page and Superintendent Twitter account.

Phone, E-mail and Text Notification

Parents will also receive a text, e-mail, phone call from our automated Student Information System (JMC).  It is important that parent contact information is updated on a regular basis to make sure you receive this notification.

Authorized Statements

The media will only announce school closures when authorized by the Superintendent or his designee after he has consulted with the Transportation Coordinator the National Weather Service, other area schools and other state, county and city agencies.

Closures for One Day Only

All announcements are for one day only.

Normal Operation

No announcement means normal operation.

Parents Need an Emergency Plan

Parents are encouraged to establish an emergency plan for their children in the event that schools are closed, start late or are dismissed early. Parents should instruct their children where to go or what to do if a parent is not at home.

Bus Stops

On severe weather days, understand that buses may be running late due to road conditions and/or traffic delays. Please watch for email, phone or text messages regarding delayed bus routes. Parents are asked to wait with and/or meet their students at bus stops when buses are running on delayed or emergency schedules.

Make-up Days

Whether or not the day will be made-up once canceled will be determined by the Superintendent.

Late Start

When the District has designated a school day as “Schools Will Start Late,” the expectation is that employees will arrive at their schools/departments based upon the amount of time the delay has been announced , or as soon as they can arrive safely.

Approved 8-20-2018       Reviewed 7-16-2018       Revised 3-15-2021