Code No. 711.6
The district will take reasonable precautions to ensure that food prepared and/or served in the school district is safe for consumption.
The Child Nutirion Program is the responsiblility of the district's Food Service Coordinator. This individual should have relevant experience in food service management; hold a current Certefied Food Protection Manager (CFPM) creditial (such as ServSafe); and meet any professionaol standards criteria established by the USDA Child Nutirtion Program.
The distrcit will support food safety training for all school nutrition food service personnel, and other distrcit employees involved in preparation, transportation, and/or service of foods.
The distrcit Food Service Coodinator will oversee implementaiton of a food safety program based on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles in each school building where school meals (part of the national School Lunch program and Natioanl School Breakfast program) or food purchased through the distrci's Child Nutrition program are prepared and/or served. This includes venues other than the cafeteria, such as Breakfast or Lunch in classroom, afterschool activties, preschool classrooms, and field trips. USDA and State Agency guidelines for developing and implementing the food safety program will be followed.
Volunteers involved in food preparation, transporation and/or service of food in the district during the school day, as part of the Child Nutrition Program or other efforts, will recieve approriate food safety instruction from district employees as needed.
Access to Distrcit Child Nutrition Program production and storage areas is restricted to school nutrition program employees and others as approved by the District Food Service Coodinaor.
Collaboartion between classroom instructors arragnaing food-based classroom activties and Food Service Coordinator are encouraged.
Child Nutrition Program personnel should provide technical assistance about:
School Garden produce used in school meals must incldue documentationthet:
Any food served to students and staff on school grounds that contains any of the eight major food allergens will be labeled with allergen information.
Fundamental food safety and health education, including hand washing and methods for preventing cross-contamination, will be included in the curriculum. Curriculum should be taught by persons who have completed food safety training.
Foods brouight from home intented to be served to others, such as classroom treats, must be purchased in ready-to-eat form and kept wrapped in the original paxckaging or sourced from the school food service department. Foods should be shelf-stable and not require refrigeration.
Vending companies supplying prepared foods for machines must provide the district with documentation that a Hazard Analysis Critical Point (HACCP) Plan or Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are in place at their facilities.
Goups that use the Child Nutrition Program Kitchen or cafetria area must:
District Child Nutrition Program food storage facilities cannot be used to store products not purchased by or intended for use in the school measl program. The district Food Service Coordinator has the authroity to waive this policy for special circumstances, in these instances, the product must be inspected and then labled with approriate inforamtion.
Vehicles owned by the Distrcit Child Nutrition Program will only be used for thetransporation of school meals, food, equipment and supplies.
Legal Referens:
Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (2010
Food Code 2013
Approved: 5-16-2022 Reviewed: Revised: