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704.7 Bond Disclosure Policy

Code No. 704.7


Article I

Key Participants and Responsibilities

Section 1.01.  Disclosure Coordinator.  By adoption of this Policy, the District hereby appoints the Board Treasurer to act as the Disclosure Coordinator hereunder.

Section 1.02.  Responsibilities.  The Disclosure Coordinator is responsible for the following tasks:

  1. reviewing and approving all preliminary and final official statements relating to the District’s Securities, together with any supplements, for which a Disclosure Agreement is required (each, an "Official Statement"), before such documents are released, in accordance with Article III below;
  2. moderating Board of Directors’ approval of all Financial Obligations triggering a Listed Event Notice under any new Disclosure Agreement entered into on or after February 27, 2019;

(C)      reviewing the District’s status and compliance with Disclosure Agreements, including filings of disclosure documents thereunder and in compliance with this Policy, in accordance with Articles IV and V below;

(D)      serving as a "point person" for personnel to communicate issues or information that should be or may need to be included in any disclosure document;

(E)       recommending changes to this Policy to the Board of Directors as necessary or appropriate;

(F)       communicating with third parties, including coordination with outside consultants assisting the District, in the preparation and dissemination of disclosure documents to make sure that assigned tasks have been completed on a timely basis and make sure that the filings are made on a timely basis and are accurate;

(G)      in anticipation of preparing disclosure documents, soliciting "material" information (as defined for purposes of federal securities law) from Employees identified as having knowledge of or likely to have information of Listed Events under Article IV or relevant to Disclosure Agreements;

(H)      maintaining records documenting the District's compliance with this Policy; and

(I)        ensuring compliance with training procedures as described below.

The responsibilities of the Disclosure Coordinator to make certain filings with the MSRB under Articles III (Annual Report Filings) and IV (Listed Event Filings) may be delegated by contract to a dissemination agent, under terms approved by the Board of Directors.

The Disclosure Coordinator shall instruct Employees of the obligation to communicate with the Disclosure Coordinator on any information relating to financial obligations or amendments to existing financial obligations promptly following occurrence.

Article II

Official Statements

Section 2.01.  Review and Approval of Official Statements.  Whenever the District issues Securities, an Official Statement may be prepared.  Each of these Official Statements contains information relating to the District’s finances.  The Disclosure Coordinator (with advice from Bond Counsel, any retained Disclosure Counsel, and/or Financial Advisor) shall have primary responsibility for ensuring that all such information is accurate and not misleading in any material aspect.  The Official Statement may also include a certification that the information contained in the Official Statement regarding the District, as of the date of each Official Statement, does not contain any untrue statement of material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the information contained in the Official Statement, in light of the circumstances under which it was provided, not misleading.  When undertaking review of a final or preliminary Official Statement, the Disclosure Coordinator shhall:​​

  1. review the Official Statement to ensure: (i) that there are no material misstatements or omissions of material information in any sections, (ii) that the information relating to the District that is included in the Official Statement is accurate, and (iii) that when necessary the information relating to the District has been reviewed by a knowledgeable Employee or other appropriate person;  
  2. draft, or cause to be drafted, for the Official Statement descriptions of (i) any material current, pending or threatened litigation, (ii) any material settlements or court orders and (iii) any other legal issues that are material information for purposes of the Official Statement; and

  3. report any significant disclosure issues and concerns to the Board of Directors (with advice, as necessary, from Bond Counsel, retained Disclosure Counsel, if any, and/or Financial Advisor). 

Section 2.02.  Submission of Official Statements to Board of Directors for Approval.  The Disclosure Coordinator shall submit all Official Statements to the Board of Directors for review and approval.  The Board of Directors shall undertake such review it deems necessary.  This may include consultation with the Disclosure Coordinator, Bond Counsel, retained Disclosure Counsel, if any, and/or the Financial Advisor to fulfill the District's responsibilities under applicable federal and state securities laws.

Article III

Annual Report Filings

Section 3.01.  Overview.  Under the Disclosure Agreements the District has entered into in connection with certain of its Securities, the District is required each year to file Annual Reports with the EMMA system.  Such Annual Reports are generally required to include: (1) certain updated financial and operating information as outlined in each Disclosure Agreement, and (2) the District’s audited financial statements.  The documents, reports and notices required to be submitted to the MSRB pursuant to this Policy shall be submitted through EMMA in one or more electronic document format files as required by the Rule at the time of filing, and shall be accompanied by identifying information, in the manner prescribed by the MSRB, or in such other manner as is consistent with the Rule.  To facilitate the District’s Disclosure Agreements the Disclosure Coordinator shall:

(A)      maintain a record of all Disclosure Agreements of the District using a chart which shall identify and docket all deadlines; 

(B)      schedule email reminders on the EMMA website for each issue of Securities to help ensure timely filing of financial disclosures;

(C)      ensure that preparation of the Annual Reports commences as required under each specific Disclosure Agreement; and

(D)      comply with the District’s obligation to file Annual Reports by submitting or causing the required (i) annual financial information and operating data and (ii) audited financial statements to be submitted to the MSRB through EMMA. 

  1. In the event audited financial statements are not available by the filing deadline imposed by the Disclosure Agreement, the Disclosure Coordinator shall instead timely submit or cause to be submitted unaudited financial statements, with a notice to the effect that the unaudited financial statements are being provided pending the completion of audited financial statements and that the audited financial statements will be submitted to EMMA when they have been prepared.In the event neither audited nor unaudited financial statements are timely posted, the District shall cause to be filed a "failure to file notice" in accordance with the Rule.The failure to file notice for audited financial statements shall include information describing the nature and/or cause of the failure to meet the contractual deadline and, if available, an approximate timeframe for when the completed audited financial statement is expected to be submitted. Audited financial statements shall be filed as soon as available. If updated financial and operating information is not posted by the filing deadline, the Disclosure Coordinator shall cause a "failure to file notice" to be posted to EMMA in accordance with the Rule.

  2. All documents submitted to the MSRB through EMMA that are identified by specific reference to documents already available to the public on the MSRB's Internet website or filed with the SEC shall be clearly identified by cross reference.

Article IV

Listed Event Filings

Section 4.01.  Disclosure of Listed Events.  The District is obligated to disclose to the MSRB notice of certain specified events with respect to the Securities (a "Listed Event").  Employees shall be instructed to notify the Disclosure Coordinator upon becoming aware of any of the Listed Events in the District’s Disclosure Agreements.  The Disclosure Coordinator may consult with Bond Counsel, retained Disclosure Counsel, if any, or the Financial Advisor, to determine if an occurrence is a Listed Event, and whether a filing is required or is otherwise desirable.  If such a filing is deemed necessary, the Disclosure Coordinator shall cause a notice of the Listed Event (a "Listed Event Notice") that complies with the Rule to be prepared, and the Disclosure Coordinator shall cause to be filed the Listed Event Notice as required by the Rule as follows:

  1. Prior to issuance of new Securities on or after February 27, 2019, a complete list of current Financial Obligations shall be compiled and submitted to the Disclosure Coordinator for continuous monitoring regarding compliance with all Disclosure Agreements entered on or after February 27, 2019. 
  2. The Disclosure Coordinator shall:
  • monitor and periodically review the Listed Events identified on Exhibit A, in connection with the Disclosure Agreements identified on the chart in Exhibit B to determine whether any event has occurred that may require a filing with EMMA. to the extent Disclosure Coodiantor determines noticefor an event in not required based upon the event not achieving a level of materiality, Disclosure Coodinator shall documentthe basis for the determination
  • In a timely manner, not in excess of ten (10) business days after the occurrence of the Listed Event, file a Listed Event Notice for Securities to which the Listed Event applies.
  1. For Securities to which the Listed Event or Events are applicable, the Listed Event Notice shall be filed in a timely manner not in excess of ten (10) business days after the occurrence of the Listed Event.
  2. ​The Disclosure Coordinator shall monitor Securities data on EMMA regarding rating agency reports for rated Securities and may subscribe to any available ratings agency alert service regarding the ratings of any Securities.

Article V


Section 5.01.  Documents to be Retained.  The Disclosure Coordinator shall be responsible for retaining records demonstrating compliance with this Policy.  The Disclosure Coordinator shall retain an electronic or paper file ("Transcript") for each Annual Report the District completes.  Each Transcript shall include final versions of documents submitted to the MSRB through EMMA, and any documentation related to determinations of materiality (or immateriality) of Listed Events.  The Transcript shall be maintained for the period that the applicable Securities are outstanding, and for a minimum of five [5] years after the date the final Annual Repor for an issue of securities  is posted on EMMA.

Section 5.02.  Education and Training.  The District shall conduct periodic training to assist the Disclosure Coordinator, Employees and the Supervisors, as necessary and appropriate, in understanding and performing their responsibilities under this Policy.  Such training sessions may include a review of this Policy, the disclosure obligations under the Disclosure Agreement(s), applicable federal and state securities laws, including the Listed Events in Exhibit A, and the disclosure responsibilities and potential liabilities of members of District staff and members of the Board of Directors.  Training sessions may include meetings with Bond Counsel, retained Disclosure Counsel, if any, Dissemination Agent, if any, or Financial Advisor, and teleconferences, attendance at seminars or conferences where disclosure responsibilities are discussed, and/or recorded presentations. Disclosure Coordinator shall maintain a record of training activities in furtherance of this Policy. 

Section 5.03.  Public Statements Regarding Financial Information.  Whenever the District makes statements or releases information relating to its finances to the public that is reasonably expected to reach investors and the trading markets (including, without limitation, all Listed Event Notices, statements in the annual financial reports, and other financial reports and statements of the District), the District is obligated to ensure that such statements and information are accurate and complete in all material aspects.  The Disclosure Coordinator shall assist the Board of Directors, the Superintendent, and District’s Attorneys in ensuring that such statements and information are accurate and not misleading in any material aspect.  Employees shall, to the extent possible, coordinate statements or releases as outlined above with the Disclosure Coordinator.  Investment information published on the District’s website shall include a cautionary statement referring investors to EMMA as the official repository for the District’s Securities-related data.

Adopted  3-21-2022       Reviewed        Revised