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902.2 News Conferences and Interviews

Code No. 902.2


The superintendent, on behalf of the board and the school district, may hold a news conference or respond to a request for an interview with the news media. The superintendent shall respond accurately, openly, honestly, and objectively to inquiries from the news media about the school district.

News conferences and interviews planned or prearranged for school district activities will include the board and the superintendent. News conferences for issues requiring an immediate response may be held by the superintendent. It shall be within the discretion of the superintendent to determine whether a news conference or interview shall be held to provide an immediate response to an issue.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to keep the board apprised of news conferences and interviews.

Legal Reference:          

Iowa Code § 21.4; 22; 279.8 

Approved 9-13-93       Reviewed 2-24-14       Revised 6-21-2021