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205.1 Board Security and Protection

Code No. 205.1


Public bodies must feel free to meet in the public setting as required by law without concern of risk of personal injury. The board shall take whatever action is necessary to maintain an orderly board meeting, free from interference or interruption by spectators, and to keep the board members safe while complying with the open meetings law.

Individuals who threaten the board with violence or who are continuously disruptive may be asked to leave the meeting. If the individuals do not leave, the board may have law enforcement officials escort the individuals from the board meeting. The board shall hire a security officer if the board members' concern for safety or actions by spectators warrants it.

Legal Reference:

Iowa Code §§ 21.7; 279.8 (2013).

Approved 9-13-93        Reviewed 12-20-2021      Revised  2-18-2019