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210.8E1 Order of the Regular Board of Directors' Meeting

Code No. 210.8E1


  • [Insert School District]
  • [Regular Board Meeting] or [Special Board Meeting]
  • [Insert Meeting Location]
  • [Insert Date (Day, Month Date, Year)]
  • [Insert Time (ex. 7:00 p.m.)]

A. Call to Order, Board President

B. Opening Activities [Pledge of Allegiance, Mission Statement]

C. Agenda Approval

D. Roll Call, Board Secretary

E. Public Hearing-if required and posted-School calendar adoption, upcoming district budget, and other items for which a public hearing will be included as needed

F. Open Forum

  • Guidelines established by Board Policy 213 – Public Participation in Meetings

G. Consent Agenda Approval

  • Consent Agenda Items [Ex. Minutes, Bill Listing, Contract Approvals & Personnel Recommendations]
  • Guidelines established by Board Policy 210.9 – Consent Agenda

H. Presentations [Ex. District goals and priorities update; student learning updates and achievements]

  • Agenda to include presentation topic, presenter organization (if outside the district), and presenter name
  • Agenda will incude a report on each Board Goal (Student Achievement, Fiscal and Facilities)
    • A report protocol has been established by the Board for these presentations

I. Discussion Items [Informational, no action required]

J. Action Items [Ex. Resolutions, Approvals, Adoptions-action will be required]

K. Policy Review and Approval

  1. 1st Reading-Policies under consdieration will be listed and attached to agenda
  2. Hearing-2nd Reading-Policies under consdieration will be listed and attached to agenda
  3. Third and Final Reading-Approval-Policies under consdieration will be listed and attached to agenda

L. Share a Key Takeway from the Meeting

M. Determine 3 Common Messages to Share with Public

N. Upcoming Events and Community Updates

        1. Superintendent

        2. Board President and Board Members

        3. Other District Staff, as appropriate

O. Adjournment

Upcoming Meetings--Insert dates for upcoming board meetings

Approved 9-13-93        Reviewed 2-21-2022        Revised 2-19-18