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217.1 Board of Directors and Superintendent

Code No. 217.1


The superintendent is hired by the board as the chief executive officer of the board to manage the day-to-day operations of the school district. The board shall set po1icy to guide the superintendent and shall not be involved in the day-to-day operations of the school district.

The superintendent shall work closely with the board, particularly the board president, to carry out and implement the policies of the board, to advise the board, to provide information to the board, to offer alternative solutions to the board in the form of a recommendation, and to perform other duties as the board assigns.

The superintendent shall attend each board meeting unless excused by the board president.

Legal Reference: 

Iowa Code §§ 279.8, .20 

Approved 9-13-93        Reviewed 5-16-2022    Revised  3-18-2019